
From AUssieYouTOO to YouTooProject


If you landed here and haven’t read “How did YouTooProject start?“, we recommend you start at the beginning, and then you can continue with our story: From AUssieYouTOO to YouTooProject, how and why we changed the brand name? Read on!

AUssieYouTOO became something much bigger, YouTooProject

By now, you know that AUssieYouTOO was born in a garage in Byron Bay to help international students start their adventure in Australia. But as the project continued to grow, we asked ourselves: why stay in only Australia if there were so many countries to explore? And so KiwiYouTOO and CAnadianYouTOO –focused on New Zealand and Canada, came to life. Months later, all the brands were consolidated into a single project: YouTooProject. Today we also have Ireland, Dubai, and Malta, perfect destinations to study, improve your English, and work abroad.

YouTooProject Team

What started in 2011 as a Facebook page called “Spaniards in Byron Bay“, became an Aussie startup in 2012, now having more than 150 employees. What’s special about it? The YouTooProject team lives in different countries with different time zones and works remotely, without physical spaces or fixed schedules. While in 2017 we opened our first office in Bogota, the team in Colombia is free to decide where to work. 
YouTooProject team in Colombia

How do we work?

We have weekly meetings with our colleagues to organise the workload. We set a schedule that can suit everyone –for example, in the morning in Spain and in Australia’s afternoon. These meetings usually happen on the same day so our team can work properly. Work-life balance is one of YouTooProject’s pillars.

“Encerradas” in YouTooProject

When we started teleworking, we soon realised we needed to organise our now famous “lockdowns”. Is there still anyone out there who doesn’t know what they are? We’ll explain! Every 2 or 3 months, we meet somewhere in the world to get to know each other better, work together, and share as a team. We’ve lost count of how many lockdowns we’ve had in Spain, Colombia, and Australia with the whole team, and we’re looking forward to many more! 
YouTooProject team in Australia
In 2023, we are born again stronger! Continue reading our story in the article “We are the first technology platform that connects schools from all over the world with students.”

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